22 research outputs found

    Shared Hash Tables in Parallel Model Checking

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    AbstractIn light of recent shift towards shared-memory systems in parallel explicit model checking, we explore relative advantages and disadvantages of shared versus private hash tables. Since usage of shared state storage allows for techniques unavailable in distributed memory, these are evaluated, both theoretically and practically, in a prototype implementation. Experimental data is presented to assess practical utility of those techniques, compared to static partitioning of state space, more traditional in distributed memory algorithms

    Model Checking C++ with Exceptions

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    We present an extension of the DIVINE software model checker tosupport programs with exception handling. The extension consists of two parts, a language-neutral implementation of the LLVM exception-handling instructions, and an adaptation of the C++ runtime for the DIVINE/LLVM exception model. This constitutes an important step towards support of both the full C++ specification and towards verification of real-world C++ programs using a software model checker. Additionally, we show how these extensions can be used to elegantly implement other features with non-local control transfer, most importantly the longjmp function in C

    Verification of Systems with Degradation

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    We focus on systems that naturally incorporate a degrading quality, such as electronic devices with degrading electric charge or broadcasting networks with decreasing power or quality of a transmitted signal. For such systems, we introduce an extension of linear temporal logic (Linear Temporal Logic with Degradation Constraints, or DLTL for short) that provides a user-friendly formalism for specifying properties involving quantitative requirements on the level of degradation. We investigate the possibility of translating DLTL verification problem for systems with degradation into previously solved MITL verification problem for timed automata, and we show that through the translation, DLTL model checking problem can be solved with limited, yet arbitrary, precision. For a specific subclass of DLTL formulas, we present a full precision verification technique based on translation of DLTL formulas into a specification formalism called Buchi Automata with Degradation Constraints (BADCs) developed earlier

    DiVinE-CUDA - A Tool for GPU Accelerated LTL Model Checking

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    In this paper we present a tool that performs CUDA accelerated LTL Model Checking. The tool exploits parallel algorithm MAP adjusted to the NVIDIA CUDA architecture in order to efficiently detect the presence of accepting cycles in a directed graph. Accepting cycle detection is the core algorithmic procedure in automata-based LTL Model Checking. We demonstrate that the tool outperforms non-accelerated version of the algorithm and we discuss where the limits of the tool are and what we intend to do in the future to avoid them

    BioDiVinE: A Framework for Parallel Analysis of Biological Models

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    In this paper a novel tool BioDiVinEfor parallel analysis of biological models is presented. The tool allows analysis of biological models specified in terms of a set of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are transformed into a system of multi-affine differential equations. BioDiVinE employs techniques for finite discrete abstraction of the continuous state space. At that level, parallel analysis algorithms based on model checking are provided. In the paper, the key tool features are described and their application is demonstrated by means of a case study